What You Need to Know About Abu Dhabi Indian Schools?

abu dhabi indian schools

The Abu Dhabi Indian Schools that you need to know about our many and most of them very well regarded. These schools do an admirable job in providing an excellent education to the children of Indian ex-pats living in Abu Dhabi. Some like the Global Indian International School have earned themselves an extraordinary reputation for their excellent academic track record and stupendous infrastructure, not only amongst the Indian community, but also amongst other ex-pat communities and the locals.

As regards the Indian school fees in Abu Dhabi, these vary from school to school. Depending upon the grade a child is in and the school in question, the annual fee could vary between around AED 5000 to AED 11000. Most of these schools follow the CBSE curriculum, which is a tried and tested one and relied upon by millions back home in India. CBSE schools have long followed an inquiry and skills-based format of instruction that allows a student’s innate talent to come to the fore, even as they learn to perform academically.

A school like GIIS is well equipped to provide holistic education to its students by providing them with the best in terms of infrastructure- multi-purpose auditoriums, well-equipped scientific laboratories, activity rooms, learning resource centers, canteens, and excellent playgrounds. That being the case the Indian school fees in Abu Dhabi is certainly worth it.

Impact of Studying at an Indian School 

Studying at an Indian school in an international destination like Abu Dhabi has a very positive impact on a young person’s outlook towards life. He or she is able to appreciate the tremendous diversity amongst the nations of the world that is yet underpinned by their common humanity. The challenges that confront the world in the shape of issues like climate change, income disparities, and the emergence of life-threatening pandemics can only be effectively met if the world pulls its weight together.

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Receiving an education in a multi-nation, multicultural and multilingual atmosphere in the classroom allows one to develop the ability to work in close collaboration with people from across backgrounds. This allows one to develop the ability to be able to expand one’s horizon with regard to what one can achieve in life. This global perspective combined with the innately Indian values of hard work, sincerity, and the desire to learn and excel at everything is something that makes an absolute winner out of a person.

If Indians are considered some of the smartest people in the world, as is reflected in how well they are performing on the global scene it is in no small measure on account of their innate ability to achieve excellence. It is not surprising that Indian students, as indeed others who have passed out from the many Indian schools in Abu Dhabi have gone on to achieve positions of eminence in their lives.

Apart from GIIS, the other excellent Indian schools in Abu Dhabi are the Al Ain Juniors School, Al Marfa International School, Al Saad Indian School, Asian International Private School, Bhavans Pearl Wisdom School, Bright Riders School, Dunes International School, International Indian School, Model Private School, New Indian Model School, Oasis International School, Our Own English High School and so many more.

Why Do Students Prefer to Study at Indian Schools?

Studying in an Indian school makes it easy for the children of Indian ex-pats to ease themselves into the activities of the school and the fact that there is a continuation of a curriculum that they are used to makes the transition from the school back home to the new one quite easy. It also makes it easy for them to make a move back to India if need be with equal ease. The Abu Dhabi Indian schools boast of an excellent track record when it comes to obtaining admission to the top Indian and global colleges and universities for their students.

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The world today is a highly competitive place where one needs to be able to compete with the best anywhere. In this context, receiving an education that is as good as the best in the world is definitely helpful. The only way to be like the best is to be trained like the best. That is what Indian schools in Abu Dhabi do extremely well.

As a matter of fact, the very fact that Indian school children can easily gain admission in Abu Dhabi schools that follow the Indian education system makes a lot of Indians think of taking up employment and live in the Emirate. That is what makes Abu Dhabi a home away from home for Indians, what with so many of them living there and a familiar schooling system for their children.

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About the Author: Jyoti_Arora01

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