Surely you have ever noticed while driving that there are vehicles with different colored license plates. The most common is that the license plates are white, with numbers and letters in black and that the letter E appears framed in blue next to a logo of the European Union. However, we can also find other license plates to designate different types of vehicles. A few months ago we told you the origin of the blue license plates and, this time, we want to tell you what the yellow license plates mean and what they are used for or you can buy a new car from the auto for trade.
The yellow plates are used in our country to identify light quadricycles, so they are compulsory for all vehicles listed under this category. These license plates are rectangular and have a dark yellow background on which are placed a series of numbers and letters in black, which serve to identify the vehicle. On the other hand, yellow license plates are also used on the cars of diplomatic organizations or international entities.
Light quadricycles are those four-wheeled vehicles with capacity for two people that have an engine that does not exceed 50 cubic centimeters. Its weight is less than 350 kilograms and its speed also stands out among its peculiarities, since it is limited to 45 kilometers per hour, which prevents them from circulating on highways and highways.
These vehicles are considered “cars without a license”, although to drive them it is necessary to have an AM permit. However, although most people access them through the AM card, you should know that they can also be driven with other licenses. On the other hand, as with other vehicles, it is mandatory that they have insurance.
Yellow license plates are also used on vehicles belonging to diplomatic or international organizations intended for consular personnel, that is, technical and administrative employees of these organizations. These plates have a yellow background on which are placed a series of numbers and letters in black and in relief. It should be noted that its composition always begins with the initials TA, followed by two groups of numbers whose objective is to identify the organism. The first numerical group identifies the Diplomatic Mission, consular office, or international organization to which the vehicles belong, while the second numerical group identifies the member of the technical staff who is accredited.
Unlike light quadricycles, these vehicles with yellow license plates can circulate on motorways and highways, since they do not have limitations in terms of speed, weight, or number of seats.