It seems that you cannot watch the news without being aware of a new major security bug or corporate hacking scam. Hardik and Shellshock frightened a lot of internet users, and soon articles on increasing cyber security started popping up everywhere. Small business owners should be particularly knowledgeable about cyber security as a lot of their business is based on the web. Here are some things you need to know about keeping your business safe online, as well as what to do in the event of a security breach.
No business is too small to fall prey to hackers. According to the National Cyber Security Alliance, 71% of cyber attacks target small businesses, and about half of small businesses have been attacked. Even more alarming is that Experian has found that 60% of cyber attack victims go out of business within six months. The NCSA cited three reasons that small businesses are often targeted: they do not have the resources to respond to attacks, information such as credit card numbers are often less overwhelming, and small businesses can partner with large corporations and provide access to hackers to those companies.
Ensure that all devices that deal with business networks or any company data have reliable anti-virus and anti-malware software. This is necessary, but simply neglected, regard against hateful files and other attacks. Your network should also have a firewall to defend the network as a whole.
Educate your employees. In addition to making sure that everyone in your organization is familiar with your protection system, it can be beneficial to encourage employees on essential Internet security and protection. There are a lot of online resources that promote information about phishing scams, security certificates, and other cyber security services basics.
Create a strong password. For any resource requiring a password on your system, (and to create employees) create complex passwords that are not subject to social engineering or easy guessing. There are many guides available on the web on how to create strong passwords.
Use encryption software if you deal with delicate information on a consistent basis. That way, even if your data is compromised, the hacker will not be able to read it.
Limit Administrator privileges for your system. Set appropriate access limits for employees without admin status, especially when using non-company equipment. Limit admin privileges to those they really need, and limit access to sensitive information by time and place.
Look into cyber insurance. Cyber security breaches are not usually covered by liability insurance, but if you want to protect sensitive data, talk to the insurance agent about your options.
Weekly restore your data to a secure cloud location or external hard drive. That way, if your server goes down, you will still have access to your data. The boardroom executive suite by Cloud Sight ‘Cloud Computing Services is an ideal tool in this area.
If you have determined that there was a security breach, find out the scope of the attack. This is a good time to call in a consultant who is an expert in cyberspace. This will give you a sense of what you need to harm and to indicate whether it was a general mass-produced attack or specifically targeted.
Once you conduct this check, pull all your systems offline to prevent damage.
Repair of affected systems. You can use the master disk to reinstall the program on your device. Then, with the help of your advisor, find out where there are gaps in your security system. To prevent another attack from occurring, use it as a learning experience to strengthen your defenses. This possibility includes educating your employees about what went wrong and preventing them from doing so in the future.
Be honest, transparent, and punctual in your communication with your customers. Tell them what happened and what you are doing to fix it.
Finally, some cyber-security professionals may be employed to work on large projects and contracts where confidentiality and integrity of information are important. The US Department of Défense or Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in Washington, DC, for example, requires cyber-security experts to build networks that will protect highly sensitive or classified data. Likewise, cybersecurity experts are needed in biology and scientific research centers, such as those found in universities and hospitals, to secure data and conclusions. Specific federal regulations outline how these findings should be protected, so experts can help these research centers comply.
The field of cyber-security is a constantly evolving and important field of information systems science. Individuals pursuing an education in this challenging and lucrative field will be ensured to have engaging work and life-long learning during their careers.
Cyber security is one of the most talked about topics these days. With the advancement of technology, the Internet has made its way to the top of everyone’s priority list. In the 21st century, every single person has become accustomed to the Internet and it has become their daily need. Of great importance, there are some problems that can turn your dream into a nightmare