As the Class 10 Board Exams approach, tension mounts in the mind of students. Various discussions occur among classmates on how to prepare well for the board exams. You would receive a lot of advice from your seniors about using unique reference books. Confusion would arise among students to decide which study material is the best. The CBSE board prefers its students to learn all the concepts from the NCERT textbook. Highly experienced subject matter experts design the books with lots of care by keeping in mind the understanding capacity of Class 10 students.
The fact is that the CBSE exam question paper revolves around the concepts discussed under the NCERT textbook. Both theoretical and numerical concepts are given much importance as per the latest syllabus and guidelines. For a better hold on the topics, students can refer to the NCERT Solutions available online to get their doubts clarified instantly. It covers all the textbook questions to provide a better idea of the syllabus designed for the academic year among students.
Why are NCERT Books sufficient for the board exams?
1. Strictly adhere to the CBSE syllabus
The NCERT textbook for all the subjects are strictly based on the latest syllabus and guidelines of the CBSE board. By regularly practising these concepts, students will obtain a strong foundation of the fundamentals which would continue in the higher classes also. It will also improve confidence among students to appear for the board exams without fear.
2. Brief explanation of concepts
Each and every concept in the NCERT textbook are explained briefly in a simple and understandable language to help students ace the exam. The stepwise explanation not only improves conceptual understanding but also enables logical thinking skills among the students. So the exam preparation of students can be fastened up by using the NCERT textbook along with a suitable study material.
3. Numerous examples to practice
There are various examples present before each exercise in the NCERT textbook. By using this, students will be able to understand the method of solving complex questions effortlessly. It will also help students to analyse the types of questions that would appear in the board exam. The examples enhance analytical approach among students which is necessary to face the Class 10 exam effectively.
4. Designed by subject matter experts
The faculty design the NCERT textbooks based on the important questions that are frequently asked in the previous year question papers. In order to score well in the board exam, solving the textbook questions is the best option. Students who aspire to obtain a good academic result are advised to learn the concepts based on the syllabus and marks weightage.
Students under the CBSE board are recommended to use the NCERT textbook for all the subjects. These books not only help students with their board exam preparation but also improves the conceptual knowledge to face the competitive exams like JEE, NEET etc. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths can be used by the students to get a clear idea about the concepts efficiently. The chapter wise and exercise wise solutions are present in PDF format which can be accessed by the students in both in online and offline mode.